Year End Exhibition Hero Image

We are pleased to announce YEE-O 2020 – Year End Exhibition – Online edition for this 2019-2020 academic year. This annual event celebrates the hard work and creative achievements of over 500 undergraduate and graduate students from every unit and level in the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba. Unfortunately, COVID-19 led to the cancellation of this in-person event, but sharing and celebrating student achievements must go on!

PLANNING/DESIGN I: Neighbourhood/Community Planning

Instructor: Orly Linovski
Community Partner: West Broadway Community Organization

One of the fundamental issues for both citizens and planners is dealing with neighbourhood change. While many of the elements that make up the built form of cities – such as lots, streets and servicing infrastructure – are incredibly durable, there can be still be significant change in established communities. Many planners struggle with meeting goals for increasing equity, sustainability and mobility while maintaining a range of community types and options. West Broadway is an established neighbourhood with strong community involvement, diverse residents, and an engaged business community. After a period of disinvestment and high vacancy rates, the neighbourhood is currently experiencing population growth and increased development pressure. Given these changes, there are questions as to how the community can continue to grow in an inclusive and sustainable way. The goal of this studio is to create a vision for the West Broadway community that builds on the recently completed West Broadway Community Plan (2016-2021) and offers strategies to address future change. 

Affordable West Broadway project thumbnail
Affordable West Broadway
Pathway to Reconciliation project thumbnail
Pathway to Reconciliation
Striving for Connection project thumbnail
Striving for Connection

Affordable West Broadway

Dylan Chyz-Lund, Yasmine Haj Ahmad, Jayden Koop, Mishel Shogolev & Anders Turim

Pathway to Reconciliation

Dom Camps, Callan Cooper, Maegan Courchene, Nik Friesen Hughes & Justin Grift

Striving for Connection

Hillary Beattie, Michelle Grover, Gisele Sarbandi & Aaron Snider